Is it possible that an Italian organization would declare a US restaurant the best pizzeria in the world? Evidently so, as Anthony Mangieri’s Una Pizza Napoletana, already a destination in New York City, earned the top spot on the annual ranking, which was announced last night at a ceremony at Teatro Mercadante in Naples.
Mangieri, a soft-spoken New Jersey native whose family emigrated from Naples, regained the #1 position after falling to #2 last year from the top slot in 2022. His international success has helped Una Pizza Napoletana become one of NYC’s most sought-after reservations, and has led him to launch an acclaimed line of frozen pizzas, Genio Della Pizza, with dough made in Italy.

In an interview with Appetito last year, Mangieri spoke about his background as a young man interested in baking bread and making pizza, telling writer Paul Feinstein, “It just turned out that I loved bread, and I loved pizza, I fell in love with Naples, and the culture spoke to me, and one thing led to another.”
Now, his commitment has led to another international honor, placing him above the two Italian pizzerias, which tied for second place, Diego Vitagliano Pizzeria from Naples, and Masanielli by Francisco Martucci in Caserta. A Tokyo restaurant, The Pizza Bar on 38th, was listed in third place. A complete list of 50 Top Pizza is below.
According to 50 Top Pizza, the list is “curated” by Barbara Guerra, Luciano Pignataro, and Albert Sapere, who oversee a guide with more than 2,400 pizzerias listed from around the world. The Top 50 Pizza 2024 list actually has 100 entries, somewhat confusingly, and features pizzerias from 29 countries, with Italy taking 41 spots, followed by the United States with 15. There were also special awards given, including Empower Women, for inspiring female pizza makers, which went to Giorgia Caporuscio of Don Antonio (Read Appetito EIC Andrew Cotto’s profile of her from July.)
As for Mangieri, he and his crew will not be hurrying back to NYC after last night’s ceremony. A banner on the Una Pizza Napoletana homepage announces that the restaurant is closed through Oct. 3 as the team “will be traveling in Italy.”
During the Fancy Food Show this past summer, I discussed the idea of pizza omakase with Mangieri while he stood by his booth for Genio Della Pizza. I expressed surprise that more American restaurants have yet to offer the prix-fixe, selected-by-chefs, multi-course experience, which is increasingly common in Italy. I mentioned my experience dining at Confine in Milan, which earned the #4 slot on Top 50 Pizza 2024, and Mangieri told me that Una Pizza Napoletana offers a very limited pizza omakase by appointment at The Tavola, a single table within his restaurant. Spots fill up quickly, unsurprisingly, but his representative shared the link for signups and updates.
I should note that one of the other US restaurants on Top 50 Pizza 2024’s list, Pizzeria Sei in Los Angeles (#33) does offer a monthly 8-10 course pizza omakase. Given my experience at Confine in Milan, and the buzz that Pizzeria Sei and Mangieri have generated with the multi-course pizza experience in the U.S., expect to see more of the concept. Especially from pizza makers aiming to make next year’s list.
Complete Ranking for 50 Top Pizza World 2024 (Links are to with entries in Italian and English)
1 Una Pizza Napoletana – New York, USA
2 Diego Vitagliano Pizzeria – Naples, Italy
2 I Masanielli – Francesco Martucci – Caserta, Italy
3 The Pizza Bar on 38th – Tokyo, Japan
4 Confine – Milan, Italy
5 Napoli on the Road – London, England
6 Tony’s Pizza Napoletana – San Francisco, USA
7 I Tigli – San Bonifacio, Italy
8 Sartoria Panatieri – Barcelona, Spain
9 50 Kalò – Naples, Italy
10 Seu Pizza Illuminati – Rome, Italy
11 Leggera Pizza Napoletana – São Paulo, Brazil
12 Crosta Pizzeria – Makati, Philippines
13 Pizzeria Beddia – Philadelphia, USA
14 Via Toledo Enopizzeria – Vienna, Austria
15 RistoPizza – Tokyo, Japan
16 I Masanielli – Sasà Martucci – Caserta, Italy
17 Dry Milano – Milan, Italy
18 La Notizia – Naples, Italy
19 Ribalta – New York, USA
20 Salvo – Naples, Italy
21 Pizzeria Da Lioniello – Succivo, Italy
22 Fiata by Salvatore Fiata – Hong Kong, China
23 50 Kalò – London, England
24 Cambia-Menti di Ciccio Vitiello – Caserta, Italy
25 Pepe in Grani – Caiazzo, Italy
26 Baldoria – Madrid, Spain
27 Ken’s Artisan Pizza – Portland, USA
28 Jay’s – Kenmore, USA
29 180 Grammi Pizzeria Romana – Rome, Italy
30 Don Antonio – New York, USA
31 Le Grotticelle – Caggiano, Italy
32 La Cascina dei Sapori – Rezzato, Italy
33 Pizzeria Sei – Los Angeles, USA
34 Pizza Zulu – Fürth, Germany
35 Clementina – Fiumicino, Italy
36 Sestogusto – Turin, Italy
37 La Bolla – Caserta, Italy
38 QT Pizza Bar – São Paulo, Brazil
39 BOB Alchimia a Spicchi – Montepaone Lido, Italy
40 Ti Amo – Adrogué, Argentina
41 Apogeo – Pietrasanta, Italy
42 I Vesuviani – Pomigliano d’Arco, Italy
43 IMperfetto – Puteaux, France
44 48h Pizza e Gnocchi Bar – Melbourne, Australia
44 Al Taglio – Sydney, Australia
45 La Leggenda – Miami, USA
46 Dante’s Pizzeria Napoletana – Auckland, New Zealand
47 nNea – Amsterdam, The Netherlands
48 Raf Bonetta – Pozzuoli, Italy
49 Massilia – Bangkok, Thailand50
50 Robert’s – Chicago, USA